The Risk Quiz If you are having sex, you are at risk of having an STD or unplanned pregnancy. Your level of risk depends on your sex habits. Some people are at higher risk than others. Find out where you stand. Take the quiz → Are you Male or Female? Male Female None Are you currently sexually active? (i.e. having oral, anal, or vaginal sex) Yes No None How many times have you had unprotected sex (did not use BOTH a condom AND a reliable form of birth control)? 0 1 2-5 5 or more None Do you use a condom when you have anal sex? Never Sometimes Every time I've had anal sex I don't have anal sex None Do you use a condom when you have vaginal sex? Never Sometimes Every time I've had vaginal sex I don't have vaginal sex None Do you use a condom when you have oral sex? Never Sometimes Every time I've had oral sex I don't have oral sex None If you use condoms, do you check the condom expiration date every time before use? Yes No None If you use condoms, do you put the condom on before any sexual contact? Yes No None What contraceptive method do you or your partner(s) use the most? Implant, IUD Depo, pills, patch, ring Spermicides Withdrawal (pulling out) Other None Do you use BOTH a condom and a reliable form of birth control when you have sex? Always Sometimes Never None If you have had sex, when was the last time you were tested for an STD? After having sex with my most recent partner. The last time I was tested was before my most recent partner. I've had sex since I was last tested. I've had sex with two or more people since I was last tested. I've never been tested. None Have you ever tested positive for an STD? Yes No None Have you ever been vaccinated for HPV? Yes No I'm not sure None Does your partner have any STDs? Unless you partner has recently tested negative for STDs, the answer to this question should be either 'I'm not sure' or 'Yes'. Yes No I'm not sure None Has you current partner/partners ever been tested for STDs? Yes No I'm not sure None How often do you have sex under the influence of alcohol? Many times Sometimes Never None Do you or have you used injection drugs? Yes No None Do you or have you used other types of drugs? Yes No None How often do you have sex under the influence of drugs? Many times Sometimes Never None Time's up